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Keywords: sickness

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

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Historic Hallowell - In Sickness and in Health

"In Sickness and in Health Hallowell's Contribution To Modern Medicine In the years following the Revolution many trained physicians came to the…"

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St. Joseph Healthcare

View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Dixfield - Page 4 of 5

"Little Carrie very sick indeed. Dr. Bartlett glad I came. Very sick and growing worse. Mrs. Park sat up in the evening; Mrs. White came and watched."

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Lincoln, Maine - Lincoln Center Baptist Church, Lincoln, ca. 1900

"He held meetings, preached, visited the sick, attended funerals and was constant in all duties that pertain to the pastor of a church at what is now…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Caring For Our Families and Friends

"… record payment of care for those that boarded the sick and infirmed, transported to the mainland those who needed medical care, purchased…"

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Mercy Hospital - Portland Hospitals Before Mercy

"Before the late 19th century, most sick people received care in their homes. With few exceptions, hospital facilities were places where people went…"

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Mercy Hospital - Sisters of Mercy

"… and girls, visit the poor and care for the sick in their homes, as well as to train low income women as domestic servants and find local employment…"

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Biddeford History & Heritage Project - The Civil War/Reconstruction Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco - Page 13 of 17

"… Soldier Relief Society, and supplies were sent to sick and infirmed Soldiers on the frontlines. Local women teamed up to create care packages and…"

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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Civil War

"… the farms, manage family business, care for the sick and elderly, raise children, and bear the awful news that too often came in the form of long…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Other Early Hospitals

"This two-story hospital housed the sick, young and old. Thelma decided to open a hospital in 1932 while working as a nurse in a nursing home."

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Historic Hallowell - Child Labor

"… get time to play or rest; and they would get sick from the damp, dark and dirty environment they worked in."

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Historic Hallowell - Ice Storm Comparisons

"… the two ice storms is that many people got many sicknesses including hypothermia, people also suffered from dehydration."

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Northern Maine Fair Memories - Page 1 of 3

"… the other rides were too fast and would make her sick. The fair food has changed a lot. When she was young they had hamburgers, hotdogs, and soups."

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Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - Prison Fires - 1849 to 1924

"… changes of weather, the inmates suffered much sickness and mortality from dysentery and typhoid."

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Early Maine Photography - War - Page 1 of 2

"… in Waldoboro, where he never experienced a day of sickness until shortly before his death on February 19, 1856, at the age of 106 years, 10 months…"

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Skowhegan Community History - Benedict Arnold's March

"… but now all the bateaux were leaky, there was a sick man in every boat, no food, and their clothes in tatters."

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Dixfield's Tuscan Opera House

"… chain links, as well as values such as “Visit the sick, Relieve the distress, Bury the dead, and Educate the orphan”."

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Lubec, Maine - The Gardner Lake Tragedy - Page 2 of 2

"… I first heard about the terrible drownings I felt sick. I feel badly for all the people who lost their lives. I wanted to know more."

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Lincoln, Maine - Frederick A. Edwards

"He got sick from malnutrition from the war. He was a music composer and wrote numerous songs, including “The Flag of 62.” He also had rare abilities…"

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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - "Fly Rod" Crosby - Page 1 of 3

"Ezekiel also took sick with tuberculosis and died in 1868 at the age of 23. Early on she was prescribed fresh air; as much time in the outdoors as…"

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Mercy Hospital - Founding of Mercy

"… of Mercy for volunteers to visit the homes of the sick. The entire order of 60 women volunteered. Queen's Hospital entrance, Portland, ca."

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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Harbor Cottage, The Old Ell (“Mame’s House”), and the Big Barn

"… child rearing, cooking, and caring for the sick, elderly, and dead. She took on these roles in an era where there were no modern services as we…"

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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Beginnings

"Women cared for the sick and dying. Even when a doctor was eventually nearby, they continued in this role."

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Life on a Tidal River - The Great Bangor Floods: 1902 and 1976

"… wet weather for many days now, and they were sick of it. Little did they know that the rain was only the beginning of a very wet few days."