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Keywords: Abuse

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Rum, Riot, and Reform - Overview & Introduction

"The drive to reform the abuse of alcohol was one of the great moral and social controversies of the 19th and early 20th centuries."

Site Page

Rum, Riot, and Reform - Why Study the History of Drinking?

"For women, the fight against alcohol abuse and other social ills in the later 19th and early 20th centuries led to a growing political, and…"

Site Page

Rum, Riot, and Reform - 1620 to 1820: New England's Great Secret

"More subtle forms of alcohol abuse in the community, however, were left largely unaddressed. For this reason, at least one 19th-century critic…"

Site Page

Rum, Riot, and Reform - 1820 to 1865: Temperance and the Maine Law

"Its abuse led to violence, spousal and child abuse, loss of work, and sometimes, a night in jail. Drunkenness among children was not uncommon, either."

Site Page

Cumberland & North Yarmouth - Maine's Pauper Laws and the Cumberland Overseers of the Poor

"A complaint of abuse, ill treatment or neglect by the Overseers against the master could result in a court decision to liberate or discharge the…"

Site Page

Rum, Riot, and Reform - Quenching the Thirst

"Though not an abuser of ardent spirits, Longfellow frowned on the more fanatic Temperance leaders. One of his last letters was to his wine merchant…"