Search Results

Keywords: World War I

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Lincoln, Maine - Roger Weatherbee of Lincoln in his P-51 H fighter plane, 1946

"Roger was in the actual fighting of the war and flew many combat missions in a P-38 fighter plane. Roger and his P-51 plane has been talked about…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Solomon's Store

"If I have enough money, I will try to buy boots, too. I walk into the store on Main Street and the first person I see is Sam Solomon, the owner of…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Gordon's Fox Farms

"I guess I should. I mean, I don’t want to be homeless.” It was settled. “Well, okay then,” Pa nodded his head in approval."

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Lincoln, Maine - Aaron Woodbury

"Aaron Woodbury sounds like a very cool guy; I would like to meet him, but I can’t because he’s dead, so I will have to do with what I learned."

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Lincoln, Maine - Osgood's Store

"He died before I was born so I have no idea what he was like at all. But, I think he would have told me a whole bunch of stories about his life if I…"

Site Page

Lincoln, Maine - Methodist Church

"I hope I am able to get married there someday. My grandfather is part of the choir. The fact that this church is so old makes me want to spread the…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Steamboats

"I live in Old Town, and the only way I can get to Lincoln from Old Town is by the steamboat. I am going to Lincoln to see Grandma and Grandpa because…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Lincoln Historical Society - Page 1 of 2

"I think I would have to petition so that the Lincoln Historical Society could get the school. The school would need to be saved."

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Lincoln, Maine - Mattanawcook Academy

"I think that if the high school wasn’t built where it is, we might not be able to hold all the events that we are capable of holding at the current…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Mills & Paper Industry - Page 1 of 2

"I am proud that I am related to Alvin Lombard, and I would loved to have met him if I could. Most of my family has worked in the woods just like…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Lincoln Memorial Library

"When I was younger I would go to the library for a little bit when my mom worked. X I think the library impacts my town because it is so old and…"

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Lincoln, Maine - MacGregor's Spool Mill

"I must leave and hurry, for I, too, am to help stifle the blaze. (Later) The mill is dead, burned to the ground, at least mostly."

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Lincoln, Maine - Gateway Motors

"I had school, so I had to walk that day when I was in elementary school. Another connection I have with this building is every day after school I…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Post Office

"The first way it connects to my life is that I have a lot of family out of state. If Lincoln had never gotten their own postal office, then I would…"

Site Page

Lincoln, Maine - Masonic Hall

"The last way I can connect with this is, I usually watch the Lincoln Homecoming Parade from the front of the Masonic Hall in the summers."

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Lincoln, Maine - Ira Fish

"I recently refurbished a house with my dad and my uncle also. I have also been to a sawmill in Chester."

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Lincoln, Maine - Ferries

"When the bridge first came, I didn’t like it, but it was a lot safer than the ferry. The ferry could rock you off of it, but the bridge stays still."

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Lincoln, Maine - Jeremy Nelson

"He had twelve children and I have five sisters. My parents have half as many kids as he did. "Jeremy Nelson Rap" written and performed by Cade…"

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Lincoln, Maine - W.A. Brown: Jack of all trades

"Without the first jewelry store, maybe I wouldn’t have a necklace to wear everyday. Nathaniel Peters "How does this topic impact you? Your life? The…"

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Lincoln, Maine - The Stanislaus Family

"… Why did the Stanislaus family live in Lincoln? I think that the Stanislaus family chose to live in Lincoln in the 1920s because Stephen was a…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Catholic Church

"I think that it is cool to have a grandfather that was a pastor here in Lincoln. Even though I am not religious it is cool to know that some of my…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Benjamin Chesley

"My whole life could be different because I could live somewhere else. Also, my ancestor may not have had my other family members because they may not…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Workman's Hospital

"I have learned about it in school and how it had helped so many lives and gave life to new ones. Although my family had not been in the Workman’s…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Other Early Hospitals

"Without the hospital, I wouldn’t have a future, and our town would have a pretty sad future with all of the sick people, lack of workers, and lack of…"