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My Maine Stories

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From Naturalists to Environmentalists
by Andy Beahm

The beginnings of Maine Audubon in the Portland Society of Natural History


Importance of Insects in Maine
by Charlene Donahue

Doing Insect surveys with the Maine Entomological Society


Ivory-billed Woodpeckers
by Doug Hitchcox, Staff Naturalist at Maine Audubon

The Ivory-billed Woodpecker in the Portland Society of Natural History Collections


Wikpiyik: The Basket Tree
by Darren Ranco

Countering the Emerald Ash Borer with Wabanaki Ecological Knowledge


Warming Oceans
by David Reidmiller, Gulf of Maine Research Institute

The rate of warming in the Gulf of Maine is faster than that of more than 95% of the world’s oceans


Sustainable Futures
by Bill McKibben, Schumann Distinguished Scholar Middlebury College

Climate change is the biggest thing humans have ever done. So we need to think big as we take it on.