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Category: Home, Homesteads

Online Exhibits

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Inside the Yellow House

Photographer Elijah Cobb's 1985 portfolio of the Laura E. Richards House, with text by Rosalind Cobb Wiggins and Laura E. Putnam.


Independence and Challenges: The Life of Hannah Pierce

Hannah Pierce (1788-1873) of West Baldwin, who remained single, was the educated daughter of a moderately wealthy landowner and businessman. She stayed at the family farm throughout her life, operating the farm and her various investments -- always in close touch with her siblings.


The Life and Legacy of the George Tate Family

Captain George Tate, mast agent for the King of England from 1751 to the Revolutionary War, and his descendants helped shape the development of Portland (first known as Falmouth) through activities such as commerce, shipping, and real estate.


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - People of the Wadsworth-Longfellow House

"People of the Wadsworth-Longfellow House Wadsworth-Longfellow House, Portland, ca. 1880Maine Historical Society Only two families occupied the…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - The Wadsworth Era: 1786-1807

"The Wadsworth Era: 1786-1807 Silhouette of Peleg Wadsworth, Portland, ca. 1800Maine Historical Society Peleg and Elizabeth Wadsworth lived in…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland

"The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland "It is but right that the house should belong to the public… Henry always loved the old home above any…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - Streetscape, 1790-1930

"Streetscape, 1790-1930 In 1790: X The Reuben Morton house, at left (northeast corner of Brown and Congress streets), is a two-story, wood-frame…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - Researching Your Home

"Researching Your Home Every House has a History Peleg Wadsworth deed of land to Stephen Longfellow, Portland, 1827Maine Historical Society…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - The Longfellow Era: 1807-1901

"The Longfellow Era: 1807-1901 On the evening of January 1, 1804, Stephen Longfellow and Zilpah Wadsworth were married in the parlor of the house…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - The House, 1786-1960

"The House, 1786-1960 "…but happier is he whose heart rides quietly at anchor in the peaceful haven of home." – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to his…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - Census, Timeline

"Census, Timeline Pages from the manuscript United States census, taken every 10 years, show the changing nature of the Longfellow household -- and…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - The Privy

"The Privy Brown Street, Portland, ca. 1875Maine Historic Preservation Commission In 2006, while rebuilding the garden wall along the original…"


A Tour of Sanford in 1900

This collection of images portrays many buildings in Sanford and Springvale. The images were taken around the turn of the twentieth century.


Great Cranberry Island's Preble House

The Preble House, built in 1827 on a hilltop over Preble Cove on Great Cranberry Island, was the home to several generations of Hadlock, Preble, and Spurling family members -- and featured in several books.


Home: The Longfellow House & the Emergence of Portland

The Wadsworth-Longfellow house is the oldest building on the Portland peninsula, the first historic site in Maine, a National Historic Landmark, home to three generations of Wadsworth and Longfellow family members -- including the boyhood home of the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The history of the house and its inhabitants provide a unique view of the growth and changes of Portland -- as well as of the immediate surroundings of the home.