Keywords: stable
Item 9769
Murray home and livery stable, Sanford, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Sanford-Springvale Historical Society Date: circa 1910 Location: Sanford Media: Print from Glass Negative
Item 10860
Taber custom built buckboard, Houlton, 1898
Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: 1898 Location: Houlton Media: Photographic print
Item 86135
Stable, Browns Wharf Stable, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: F E irvin Lumber Company Use: Stable
Item 86850
Stable, Wrights Wharf, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Dana Richardson Use: Stable
Item 150975
Stable for W.F. Trask, ca. 1918
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1918 Location: Falmouth Client: Wilbur F. Trask Architect: Frederick A. Tompson
Item 150937
Alterations to stable on Vaughan St. for Fred E. Richards, Portland, ca. 1894
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1894 Location: Portland; Portland Client: Fred E. Richards Architect: Frederick A. Tompson
Student Exhibit: The Story of the Heywood Tavern
The story of the Heywood Tavern in Skowhegan.
This collection of images portrays many buildings in Sanford and Springvale. The images were taken around the turn of the twentieth century.
Site Page
Architecture & Landscape database - Biographies
"Biographies This site includes select biographies (listed at left) for database-represented architects and firms."
Site Page
Architecture & Landscape database - George Coombs
"George Coombs By Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr. Home for Joseph Briggs designed by George M. Coombs, 1884 Maine Historical Society George Millard…"
John Coyne from Waterville Enlists as a Railroad Man in WWI
by Mary D. Coyne
Description of conditions railroad men endured and family background on John Coyne.