David Webber indenture document, Cumberland, 1832
Item 31426 info
Prince Memorial Library
On June 25, 1832, the Cumberland Overseers of the Poor, Nicholas Rideout Jr. and Tristram Sanborn, signed an indenture that placed David Webber, son of Richard Webber of Cumberland, into an apprenticeship with James Hamilton of Cumberland. Hamilton, identified as a yeoman, was to teach David Webber "the art, trade, or mystery of a Husbandman," as well as "to read, write and cipher as far as the rule of three..." David Webber, eight years old in 1832, was put into Hamilton's care until September 5, 1845, when he would turn 21. A previous indenture in 1830 placed David Webber, then six, as an apprentice to David Webber of Harpswell. Also in 1830, Isaac Webber, age 11, son of Richard Webber and brother of David Webber, was indentured to James Hamilton of Cumberland.
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