My Island Home Daily Life

North End School class picture, Westport Island, ca. 1895

North End School class picture, Westport Island, ca. 1895
Item 105118   info
Westport Island History Committee

"I went to school when I was only three. See, I had a brother and sister older than I was and they were going to school, and Josie Fowle down here, down Fowle's Point…She was the teacher, and of course they done walk in those days… Every morning, I guess, she stopped to mama’s. She was pretty tired when she got up there and stopped in at mama's, and then she’d walk up with Ernest and my sister, Nettie.

Well, mama said I started crying. I wanted to go to school. I was only three but I wanted to go to school with them. I didn’t want to stay home. Mama said, 'She’ll just be a nuisance.' Well, at last, oh, I must have cried so hard every morning, Josie said, 'Let her go.' Mama said, 'If she isn't good, send her home.' But I didn’t. I don’t remember that first day of school but I went to school all the good weather until I was seven, and when I was seven, I went the whole school year."

Verlie Greenleaf, 1987

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