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My Maine Stories

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From Naturalists to Environmentalists
by Andy Beahm

The beginnings of Maine Audubon in the Portland Society of Natural History


Carrabassett Village and the Red Stallion Inn circa 1960
by David Rollins

The creation of Carrabassett Village and the Red Stallion Inn at Sugarloaf USA


2020 Sheltering in Place Random Notes During COVID-19
by Phyllis Merriam, LCSW

Sheltering-in-Place personal experiences in mid-coast Maine (Rockland) during March and April 2020


Tapestry, Seine Twine and Burlesque
by Barbara Burns

My work as a tapestry artist and dancer in Maine.


by anonymous

tracers, bonding, and fixations


The Cup Code (working at OOB in the 1960s)
by Randy Randall

Teenagers cooking fried food in OOB and the code used identify the product and quantity.