Cary Memorial Library Bookplates

Olin Sewall Pettingill Jr. bookplate, ca. 1924

Olin Sewall Pettingill Jr. bookplate, ca. 1924
Item 98738   info
Cary Memorial Library in Wayne

Olin Sewall Pettingill Jr. (1907-2001) was a world-renowned ornithologist and filmmaker, a college professor, and director of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology from 1960 to 1973.

He was born in Belgrade, Maine, his grandfather had a home in Wayne, and his father, a doctor, ran a tuberculosis sanatorium in Hebron.

Pettingill retired to the family home in Wayne, and in later years continued to visit the family camp on Androscoggin Lake.

This bookplate is pasted into the book The Blue Flower by Henry Van Dyke. On the page facing the plate is handwritten "Sewall Pettingill December 1924."

Van Dyke was a Presbyterian minister, poet, short story writer, essayist, and professor.

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