Famous Fiddler

Flyer for Mellie Dunham's Hippodrome concert, New York, NY, 1926

Flyer for Mellie Dunham's Hippodrome concert, New York, NY, 1926
Item 79939   info
Norway Historical Society

Crowds of former Norway residents and summer visitors gathered everywhere the Dunhams performed.

In Boston, 135 members of the Norway Maine Club attended, at the Hippodrome 100 people went to the Maine night, and in Philadelphia 200 people greeted the couple at a Maine reception.

In Washington, D.C., they met President Calvin Coolidge. In addition Vivian Akers, a Norway friend, was on hand at the Hippodrome with a four-page advertising program he had created for the tour.

Also present was Don Sietz, who had grown up in Norway and was now the business manager for the New York World.

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