Women in a Man's World

A woman working with men, Brewer, 2006

A woman working with men, Brewer, 2006
Item 75161   info
Maine Folklife Center, Univ. of Maine

Although "hustling broke" was mostly a job done by men, Dola Hinckley was hired for this position in 1974. She remembered being the only woman on the floor in production or any other job done by men.

While she was laid off in 1975 she returned to her job "hustling broke" shortly thereafter. She eventually found her way into the finishing department where she worked until she retired in 2000.

Dola was able to work directly with men and experienced no problems being a woman. Dola's story is significant because she did the same job many men did proving that women were just as capable.

"Hustling broke" was a more physical job than office work. Listen to Dola talk about her experience working with the men of Eastern.

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