GAR Members in front of their hall, Monson, 1897

GAR Members in front of their hall, Monson, 1897
  • MMN Item 81604
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Pictured here are Civil War Veterans from the Gerry Relief Corp. Post #5 in front of the Grand Army of the Republic Hall, on Main Street, in Monson.

Members of the Post present were Front Row Left to Right: Ira P. Wing, Albert W. Chapin, Benjamin Cowan, Dick Davis, Brown B. Steward, Charles W. Morrill, Albert F. Jackson, Thomas Poole, Sylvanus Steward, Eli Viancho, Sewal Leeman, Alvin F. Morrill, Soloman S. Cole, and Samuel C. Davis.

Pictured in the back Row from left to right are: Tristum Wentworth, Stintson Goodwin, Judson Cushman, John B. Butler, Robert T. Thomas, Seth W. Steward, Charles Wentworth, George Bray, Bradford Jackson and Edwin Stanchfield.

The GAR was formed in Maine on January 10, 1868 with Monson being the 5th Post to join the organization.

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