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Hermann Kotzschmar: Portland's Musical Genius

Item 1 of 18
Hermann Kotzschmar, Portland, ca. 1900

Hermann Kotzschmar, Portland, ca. 1900

Item 20714 info
Maine Historical Society

It was very evident in Mr. Kotzschmar's young manhood that he was no ordinary person;

But under that quiet and unpretending manner were hidden rare musical gifts, Which would some day Surprise and bless those who came within their influence.

He had remarkable ability as a teacher, conductor, composer and performer.

He would almost seem to be without excuse if he had not had Years of instruction from some of the best teachers in Germany, And at least two preceding generations of good musical blood flowing in his veins.

Hermann Kotzschmar was a musical genius.

His remarkable performances on the organ I have never heard equaled. His style was his own. It has been termed orchestral and picturesque,

But these express but two of its many beautiful traits Which I think language fails adequately to depict.

Music alone can do this.

We should be ever grateful that this man of genius came to dwell among us.

-- Samuel Thurston, excerpts from "Musical Reminiscences of Seventy-Five Years," autumn 1911