Margaret Chase Smith at Republican National Convention, 1964
Item 25848 info
Margaret Chase Smith Library
Presidential candidate Margaret Chase Smith arrives at Cow Palace in San Francisco for the National Republican Convention.
Margaret Chase Smith Campaign Poster, 1964
Item 25867 info
Margaret Chase Smith Library
Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Skowhegan (1897-1995) sought the Republican nomination for President in 1964 and became the first woman of either party to have her name placed in nomination at the national convention.
Smith represented Maine in the U.S. House from 1940-1948 and in the U.S. Senate from 1949-1973.
Margaret Chase Smith Presidential Campaign Hat, 1964
Item 25916 info
Margaret Chase Smith Library
A 1964 Presidential Campaign Hat given to Margaret Chase Smith by milliners to "toss into the ring." A tag attached inside the headband states "Best & Co. Fifth Ave. New York." It is made with blue netting material and has blue and white silk flowers attached.
Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith sought the presidency in 1964. She became the first women to have her name placed in nomination by a major political party.
Margaret Chase Smith campaign hat, 1964
Item 25907 info
Margaret Chase Smith Library
Rose Hornstein of the Glen Ellyn Hat Shop in Illinois sent Margaret Chase Smith this hat to toss into the ring.
It is made of pink netting material and has silk flowers glued all over it. It has a pink velvet headband and a label inside the hat states "Juli-Kay Chicago."
Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith sought the presidential nomination in 1964. She took her campaign all the way to the Republican National Convention in San Francisco. She became the first woman to have her name placed in nomination by a major political party.
Margaret Chase Smith for President Campaign Button, 1964
Item 12114 info
Margaret Chase Smith Library
A button from Margaret Chase Smith's 1964 presidential campaign.
The button has a picture of the Skowhegan Republican on it, with her name and "For President."
Margaret Chase Smith (1897-1995) took over the U.S. House seat held by her husband, Clyde Smith, after his death in 1940. She served in the U.S. Senate from 1949-1973.
We Want A Woman In The White House, 1964
Item 12229 info
Margaret Chase Smith Library
Sheet music of a song written by Bucky Searles and Dick Nirenberg and copyrighted in 1964 for Republican Margaret Chase Smith's presidential campaign.
The words to the song are as follows : We want a woman in the White House, we want some hist'ry to be made....To make the country hustle, give Uncle Sam a bustle, and make the Gen'ral Staff the ladie's aid. We want a woman with some know-how....Someone to carry on the fight....She'd eliminate a war and be home again by four, She's a woman and a woman's always right. She has a secret weapon that would cast a peaceful spell. It's "Bingo" played by Hotline with Nikita and Fidel. Evacuate the Pentagon; On this we're standing pat....But leave the building standing and we'll put in a laundromat. WE WANT A WOMAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, Someone who really knows the score she would make the G.O.P. join the Democrats for tea, With a WOMAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, and you know that it's the right house, with a woman President in Sixty-Four.
Recording of Leave It to The Girls, 1964
Item 25849 info
Margaret Chase Smith Library
A recording of a song written by Gladys Shelley and sung by Hildegarde (Loretta Sell) for Margaret Chase Smith of Skowhegan who sought the 1964 Republican presidential nomination.
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