William King: Consummate Politican, Military Leader and Entrepreneur

Gov. King ferry, Bath, ca. 1920

Gov. King ferry, Bath, ca. 1920
Item 11162   info
Patten Free Library

Text by Peter Goodwin and Joyce Wanger
Images from Patten Free Library

Suggested Reading:

Clark, C.E., Leamon, J.S. and Bowden, K., Maine in the Early Republic. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1988.

Judd, R.W., Churchill, E.A. and Eastman, J.W., Maine: The Pine Tree State from Prehistory to the Present. Orono, Maine: University of Maine Press, 1995.

Owen, Henry W., The Edward Clarence Plummer History of Bath. Bath, Maine: The Times Company, 1936.

Reed, Parker McCobb, History of Bath and Environs, 1607 ? 1894. Portland, Maine: Lakeside Press, 1894.

Smith, Marion Jaques, General William King. Camden, Maine: Down East Books, 1980.

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