Photography Tips

Cadillac Mountain Road, Acadia National Park, ca. 1940

Cadillac Mountain Road, Acadia National Park, ca. 1940
Item 75170   info
Maine Historical Society

The final chapter of Photography for the Amateur is entitled "How to Make the Camera Pay."

Here, French included categories of activities in which amateur photographers can make money on the side.

One of the categories gives information on how to sell one's photographs as postcards. French had personal experience with this because he had worked for the Wittemann Brother's Postal Card Co..

Maine benefited from French's lifelong passion for photography. He provided historical and artistic records of the state's history, and shared his knowledge so future generations could do the same.

Works Cited:

French, George. Photographer For The Amateur. New York: Falk Publishing Company Inc., 1922.

French, George. "Pictures That Tell A Story." American Annual of Photography. 37. (1923): 222-225.

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