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A Maine Historical Society Website

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Hermann Kotzschmar: Portland's Musical Genius

"Fall of Babylon' concert program, Portland, 1885

Item 6265 info
Maine Historical Society

Throughout his career Hermann Kotzschmar conducted many groups of singers and instrumentalists in Maine, but his most sustained, successful and public work was his nearly 30 years with the Haydn Association.

During the 1860s the attention of Portland's citizens was consumed first by the Civil War and then by the disastrous fire of July 4, 1866, which destroyed much of the city.

In 1869, a group of singers and soloists banded together to present Haydn's Creation under the direction of Hermann Kotzschmar.

Excited by their success, the singers decided to formally organize, calling themselves the Haydn Association. Kotzschmar was unanimously elected first conductor. At times, more than 330 singers belonged to the Haydn Association.

The Haydns, as the singers informally referred to themselves, remained together for almost 30 years and produced many fine programs, usually featuring major works and oratorios by great composers.