Keywords: Portland, Maine
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Tax Records
The Portland, Maine, 1924 Tax Records were created as part of a city-wide tax reevaluation. The collection consists of 131 books containing approximately 30,000 pages, each page recording a single taxable property. Search the tax records Search the tax records
Item 37318
195-197 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Bennett McClearn Co. Use: Store Building
Item 37319
201-207 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Heirs of Thomas Chadwick Use: Store
Item 37326
214-220 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Percival P. Baxter Agent Use: Shop - Junk
Item 36888
167-169 Clark Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Charles E Sawyer Use: Shops
Item 37117
Assessor's Record, 44-54 Colonial Avenue (subsequently Plymouth Street), Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Alfred S Batty Use: Garage
Item 37351
269-277 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Richardson Wharf Co. Use: Offices & Warehouse
Item 37335
228-232 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Estate of Sylvan Shurtleff Use: Storage - Meat
Item 35068
185-187 Brighton Avenue, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: George Edwards Use: Stores
Item 35210
569-575 Brighton Avenue, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Eoline M Wilson Use: Filling Station & Store
Item 35761
2-8 Brown Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Albert S Rines Use: Stores & Offices
Item 35935
32-34 Casco Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Patrick Ward Use: Store Building
Item 37278
69-77 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Randall & McAllister Use: Carpenter's Shop
Item 37309
157-163 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: H.S. Melcher Company Use: Store
Item 37127
Assessor's Record, 44-48 Colonial Avenue (subsequently Plymouth Street), Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: William E Allen Use: Garage
Item 37115
Assessor's Record, 32-38 Colonial Avenue (subsequently Plymouth Street), Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Elton B Grant Use: Storehouse
Item 37279
79-85 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: W.L. Blake & Co. Use: Store - Office - Warehouse
Item 37301
141-145 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: William J Dennis Use: Store
Item 35601
885-889 Brighton Avenue, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Amos Ashnault Use: Store
Item 36374
42-44 Pine Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Benjamin F Dudley Use: Store