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Keywords: Poetry

My Maine Stories

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A poem about my experiences in Vietnam
by Doug Rawlings

A poem about my experiences in Vietnam


Rest Stop in Scarborough, Maine
by Lee Evans

This is about our first visit to Maine in 1998. My wife and I moved here from Maryland in 2007.


Ogunquit Beach Sonnet
by Shannon Schooley

Sonnet written for school when I was 12 years old.


The New Normal
by Darlene Reardon

COVID-19 Poem


Hooch Mum and my Vietnam service
by Jim Barrows

A poem about being a medic, saving Vietnamese people and babies. Sometimes we trusted too much.


Ode To Wuhan
by Darlene Reardon

COVID-19 poem


Pandemic Blues
by Darlene Reardon

Covid 19 Portland poem


What did I do during the Covid quarantine?
by Nasser Rohani from Baha'i Community

Individuals response to Covid and social distancing.


Beef Cutlet always reminds me of home in Iran
by Parivash Rohani

Making beef cutlet in Maine connects me to my home in Iran and my Baha'i faith.


In an Old, Abandoned Island House, I Found my Mentor and my Muse
by Robin Clifford Wood

An aspiring writer finds inspiration and a mentor from the past in an old island home.


How the first chapter Veterans for Peace was founded in Maine
by Doug Rawlings

Veterans for Peace was founded in Maine and is now an international movement


An Asian American Account
by Zabrina

An account from a Chinese American teen during the COVID-19 pandemic.