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Keywords: Passamaquoddy Indians

My Maine Stories

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The centuries-long history of Passamaquoddy Veterans
by Donald Soctomah, Passamaquoddy Historic Preservation Office

Passamaquoddy Veterans Protecting the Homeland


Wampum Belts
by Donald Soctomah

My great grandfather was a wampum keeper


The story behind David Moses Bridges' basket
by Patricia Ayala Rocabado

The story behind David Moses Bridges' (1962-2017) birch bark basket


The Tomah Basket
by James Boyce

Learning to make Maliseet Tomah baskets


Decontie and Brown's venture in high fashion design
by Decontie and Brown

Penobscot haute couture designs from Bangor


Margaret Moxa's Blanket Coat
by Jennifer Neptune

A contemporary artwork in memory of Penobscots murdered for scalp bounties.


Wabanaki Fashion
by Decontie & Brown

Keeping the spirit and memories of our ancestors alive through fashion and creativity


Epidemic of violence against Indigenous people
by Michael-Corey F. Hinton

Systemic racism, murder, and the danger of stereotypes