Search Results

Keywords: Greenback Party

Historical Items

These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.

Item 28054

Otho and Solon Chase, Turner, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Turner Museum and Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Turner Media: Print from glass negative

Item 29135

Solon Chase and "Them Steers," Turner, ca. 1873

Contributed by: Turner Museum and Historical Society Date: circa 1873 Location: Turner Media: Photographic print

Item 10430

Moses Harriman, Kennebunkport, 1880

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1880 Location: Kennebunkport Media: Photoprint

Item 10201

George Gilbert Benner, Waldoboro, 1880

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1880 Location: Waldoboro Media: Photoprint

Item 10514

Ebenezer Sproul, Veazie, 1880

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1880 Location: Veazie Media: Photoprint

Item 8165

Hotel Coburn Corner, Skowhegan 1883

Contributed by: Skowhegan History House Date: 1883 Location: Skowhegan Media: Photographic print

Item 10432

Levi W. Smith, Vinalhaven, 1880

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1880 Location: Vinalhaven Media: Photoprint

Item 22024

Joseph A. Locke, Portland, ca. 1880

Contributed by: Maine State Archives Date: circa 1880 Location: Augusta Media: Carte de visite

Item 101213

Dr. George W. Ladd, Bangor, ca. 1866

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum Date: circa 1866 Location: Bangor Media: Ink and watercolor on paper