Keywords: water wells
Item 25152
Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Wells Media: Postcard
Item 58320
Laying the new water main, Strong, ca. 1921
Contributed by: Strong Historical Society Date: circa 1921 Location: Strong Media: Photographic print
Item 111365
Randall/Jarashow residence floor plan, Wayne, 1989
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1989 Location: Wayne Clients: David Randall; Judy Jarashow Architect: Carol A. Wilson; Carol A. Wilson, Architect
Item 111540
Ferrario residence elevations, Phippsburg, 2006-2007
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 2006–2007 Location: Phippsburg Client: Paola Ferrario Architect: Carol A. Wilson; Carol A. Wilson, Architect
Princeton: Woods and Water Built This Town
Princeton benefited from its location on a river -- the St. Croix -- that was useful for transportation of people and lumber and for powering mills as well as on its proximity to forests.
Clean Water: Muskie and the Environment
Maine Senator Edmund S. Muskie earned the nickname "Mr. Clean" for his environment efforts during his tenure in Congress from 1959 to 1980. He helped created a political coalition that passed important clean air and clean water legislation, drawing on his roots in Maine.
Site Page
Lubec, Maine - Klondike: Lubec's Gold from Sea Water Hoax
"Thus each box was under water a month before its turn came to be examined. During that time the water, chemicals, and electricity had time to work…"
Site Page
Lubec, Maine - Lubec's 1911 Centennial Celebration - Page 1 of 2
"Water Street decorated for Centennial, Lubec, 1911Lubec Memorial Library Centennial on Water Street, Lubec, 1911 Lubec Historical Society The…"
Hand carrying water in Marshfield
by Dorothy Gardner
Ways of getting water in rural Maine. From fetching water from a stream to having a well.
A Story in a Stick
by Jim Moulton
A story about dowsing for a well in Bowdoin