Keywords: Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Item 10123
Webster-Ashburton anniversary proclamation, 1992
Contributed by: Fort Kent Historical Society Date: 1842-08-08 Location: Fort Kent Media: Ink on paper
Item 10124
Treaty anniversary proclamation, 1992
Contributed by: Fort Kent Historical Society Date: 1842-08-09 Media: Ink on paper
Holding up the Sky: Wabanaki people, culture, history, and art
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Shepard Cary: Lumberman, Legislator, Leader and Legend
Shepard Cary (1805-1866) was one of the leading -- and wealthiest -- residents of early Aroostook County. He was a lumberman, merchant, mill operator, and legislator.
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"A printed map from the treaty year gives some sense of the sharp differences of opinion about where the border should run as it shows proposed…"
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"… (1794), the Treaty of Ghent (1814), and the Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842). Dictionary of Canadian Biography…"