Keywords: Sisterhoods
Item 54191
Shaarey Tphiloh Sisterhood tea invitation, Portland, 1947
Contributed by: Congregation Shaarey Tphiloh Date: 1947-11-18 Location: Portland Media: Ink on paper
Item 54192
Shaarey Tphiloh Sisterhood, 1990
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1990 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print
Shaarey Tphiloh, Portland's Orthodox Synagogue
Shaarey Tphiloh was founded in 1904 by immigrants from Eastern Europe. While accommodating to American society, the Orthodox synagogue also has retained many of its traditions.
Anshe Sfard, Portland's Early Chassidic Congregation
Chassidic Jews who came to Portland from Eastern Europe formed a congregation in the late 19th century and, in 1917, built a synagogue -- Anshe Sfard -- on Cumberland Avenue in Portland. By the early 1960s, the congregation was largely gone. The building was demolished in 1983.
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