Keywords: Metalworking industry
Item 8076
Interior view of metalworking area, Portland Co., ca. 1890
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1890 Location: Portland Media: Photoprint
Item 12074
Portland Company boilers, 1906
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1906 Location: Hebron Media: Photographic print
Biddeford, Saco and the Textile Industry
The largest textile factory in the country reached seven stories up on the banks of the Saco River in 1825, ushering in more than a century of making cloth in Biddeford and Saco. Along with the industry came larger populations and commercial, retail, social, and cultural growth.
Workers in Maine have labored in factories, on farms, in the woods, on the water, among other locales. Many of Maine's occupations have been determined by the state's climate and geographical features.