Contributed by an individual through East Grand School
This is the second schoolhouse in Danforth, Maine. It was built and thought up by Dr. Samuel D. Springer, principal and superintendant in education, soon after the first school house burnt flat to the ground. Dr. Samuel D. Springer believed there should be better schools in Maine so he decided to set down his own plan of education. The school was for grades K-12 and as he followed through with his idea, Dr. Samuel D. Springer became superintendant and headmaster.
About This Item
- Title: Danforth School House, 1912
- Creation Date: 1912
- Subject Date: 1912
- Location: Danforth, Washington County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Collection: Schools
- Object Type: Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
East Grand School31 Houlton Road, Danforth, ME 04424
(207) 448-2260
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