Contributed by Sebago Historical Society
Curtis Sanborn who taught Carlton Martin the trade in the early 1900s built the famous Sebago Boats in the late 1800s. It was a thriving business for over 30 years.
These row boats were either 14 or 16 feet; the smaller was the most popular and special ordered by customers from all over the country.
The frame of the boats were made of elm or alder with the body having steamed cedar shakes along with brass screws, caulking and either varnished or painted.
The boats were either double enders or square enders to accommodate a motor.
About This Item
- Title: Sebago Boat, ca. 1880
- Creator: Curtis Sandborn
- Creation Date: circa 1890
- Subject Date: circa 1890
- Location: Sebago, Cumberland County, ME
- Media: Elm and cedar shakes
- Object Type: Physical Object
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For more information about this item, contact:
Sebago Historical SocietyPO Box 59, Sebago, ME 04029
(207) 787-2489
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