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Permanent settlement of Portage began in the years following the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842. The area became a plantation in 1850. The railroad reached Portage in 1902 and the township (T13 R6) was incorporated as a town in 1908. Initially agricultural, the community was home to the Portage Lumber Mill in the early twentieth century. A plume of smoke near the shore may indicate the site of a sawmill.
The card was printed in Germany for W. E. Ross of Portage Lake.
About This Item
- Title: View of Portage Lake, ca. 1911
- Creator: W. E. Ross
- Creation Date: circa 1911
- Subject Date: circa 1911
- Location: Portage, Aroostook County, ME
- Media: Postcard
- Dimensions: 8.8 cm x 13.7 cm
- Local Code: MCC-00461
- Collection: Jean Paul Michaud Collection II
- Object Type: Image
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Acadian ArchivesUMFK, 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743
(207) 834-7535
The copyright status is unknown to the contributing organization.
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