Prisoners of War

Peleg Wadsworth's Pistol, ca. 1770

Peleg Wadsworth's Pistol, ca. 1770
Item 11144   info
Maine Historical Society

Wadsworth wrote to his wife, Betsey, on February 20, 1781 about his capture.

"My wound is as fair .. possible, being with a Muskett Ball, pass ... thro my left arm just avoe the elbow, just touching the Bone without Fracturing it."

He also told her that, since his arrival at the fort, he had "receiv'd the greatest Civility & am treated according to my Rank."

In a letter on March 15, he tells his wife that he can finally get his coat on over his wounded arm, and adds, "My situation as a prisoner is very agreable, & Burthen of Confinement rendered very tolerable by the Civlity & Complasence of the Gentlemen of the Garrison."

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