Photography Tips

Harold S. Fairfield, ca. 1900

Harold S. Fairfield, ca. 1900
Item 75162   info
Maine Historical Society

However, French still provided guidelines for beginner home portraiture. To obtain proper lighting, he wrote, the subject must sit at least six feet away from the window.

Ideally, the lower section of the window ought to be covered. This allows the light to fall at an angle of 45 degrees on the subject.

The shaded side of the subject's face can be lightened by the reflection of light off of a white towel. The towel can be placed over the back of a chair near the shaded side of the face, he wrote.

Ideally, according to French, a well lit portrait "should have a highlight on the forehead, on the lighted side of the face, on the bridge of the nose, on the tip of the nose, on each cheek, on the lips, the chin, and a catch light in the eyes."

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