Community Guidelines & Terms of Use

Join the conversation, start a conversation, and connect with other history enthusiasts.

Comment Posting Guidelines

The Maine Memory Network comment function is intended to facilitate discussions about the digital collections on In an effort to keep the community fun, safe and engaging for all users, please abide by these community guidelines.


  • Be respectful of others' opinions
  • Be concise
  • Keep comments focused on MMN items, exhibits, or historical topics
  • Be responsible: no disruptive, offensive, or abusive language or behavior
  • Be safe: no unlawful, objectionable or commercial content. No spamming
  • Be factual and provide sources

By posting, users agree to comply with MMN's Community Guidelines and Terms of Use.

How to Comment

  • Users must create an account to post comments. You may use your existing accounts from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Disqus, or create new accounts.
  • If you register via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Disqus, your comments could also appear in their news feed or on their sites.

Approval of your comments

  • We review every post before publishing it. This might take a few hours or days to approve comments, depending on the volume of comments. Your submissions may be edited, or deleted at MMN's discretion.
  • You can flag comments you think violate MMN's guidelines by placing your cursor over the comment and clicking the down-arrow on the right side of the comment, and selecting "Flag as inappropriate."
  • The views expressed in user posts do not necessarily reflect the views of Maine Historical Society or Maine Memory Network.

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Terms of Use for Submitted Content

  1. The MMN comment thread function is provided by When using your MHS or MMN account to comment on items and exhibits, a Disqus account is automatically created. Your name, username, and email address are shared with Read their privacy policy. (
  2. By posting content, including but not limited to comments, photographs, and links to external sites on the Website, users agree to comply with all requirements and procedures for posting, and to avoid abusive and offensive language and to refrain from posting any content that is commercial in nature, advocates for a political cause or legislation, or infringes upon any third party's rights, including privacy, copyright, trademark, or patent. Maine Historical Society (MHS) and Maine Memory Network (MMN) do not endorse any opinions or recommendations posted by users or third parties. MHS and MMN require users to obtain all necessary permissions, such as a copyrighted work by an artist or a copyrighted story or a news article written by another person, before posting or distributing any content on the Websites.
  3. MHS does not warrant that the use of the materials on the Site will not infringe the rights of any third party, and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from such content or materials or for any error, defamation, libel, slander, omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, danger, or inaccuracy contained in information within such locations of the Websites.
  4. Although MHS will strive to monitor the submitted content, it is under no obligation to monitor or review discussions, chats, postings, transmissions, bulletin boards, or other similar materials on the website and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from such content or materials or for any error, defamation, libel, slander, omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, danger, or inaccuracy contained in any information within such locations on the Website.
  5. All commercial offers, repeated postings of the same information, and other types of SPAM will be removed.
  6. Hate speech, personal attacks, profanities, irrelevant sexual references, libel or spam are not permitted and will be removed.
  7. If you believe your post was wrongly removed or not approved, or for further explanation of comment board terms, email
  8. We reserve the right to delete accounts and comments that are in breach of community rules.
  9. Users grant MMN and MHS the ability to use and quote from your comments.

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